
cc # 2935

cc # 2935

This is a blog dedicated essentially to photography.  I would love to converse intelligently on photography as art, or any art for that matter, but I would just as soon share the photos and leave the philosophical stuff for the others.  I will do my best to avoid controversial subject matter not relevant to the photographs, not because I’m averse to it, it’s just not the type of forum I had in mind.  I have a humorous side that may, at times, infect this blog, rendering it “fact free”.  You are hereby forewarned.  Feel free to click the “Leave a Comment” button at the bottom of each post and tell me what you think.  I promise I’ll get back to you since I don’t think there will be an overwhelming number of responses to the posts.

My background in photography goes back to the mid-’60s (that’s 1960’s, ahem) and I had the pleasure to use a variety of formats on a regular basis.  I gave up film shooting a number of years ago but miss it terribly, and so I shoot digital now, which I love.

Technical Information:  I don’t keep track of camera settings or any photo specifics but I will say that most of the photos taken between 2008 and 2012 were taken on a Nikon D80 (mostly with the kit lens) and more recently with a Nikon D610 and a newly acquired Olympus camera.  Most photos are now edited in Lightroom with some Photoshop edits when necessary.  File metadata is my accidental record keeper.  I rely on my steel trap memory for any other relevant photo information, but this is good only for a short period of time as some days I can’t remember if I ate lunch or not.  However, any request for info on any published photo will gladly be shared.


21 thoughts on “About

  1. Jane Lurie

    Hi there- How do you like you D600? I currently shoot with the D300 and wondered about it. The D800 sounds fabulous, but some say that the files are just too large… Thanks and I appreciate your visits to mu blog.

    1. oneowner Post author

      Hi and thanks, Jane. I love the D600. My previous camera was the D80, so the D600 was quite a few steps up. I choose it because I had several older autofocus lenses I used on my Nikon 35mm cameras and I wanted to take full advantage of the full frame the 600 offered. Everything works fine and the learning curve was short because the controls and menus are very much like the D80 (and the 300, I think). I considered the D800 but I knew I would have to upgrade or replace my present computer to handle the huge files from it. I know the resolution on the D800 is fantastic but you will have to look very hard to find a difference between the 600 and 800 on a 20×30 inch print. I couldn’t justify the added expense of the 800. Another step that helps with the increased file size is the conversion to the DNG format which is done on import into Lightroom. The DNG format is a much more archival and efficient (file sizes about 20-25% smaller) format than Nikon’s proprietary (and ever changing) format. At the Museum where I work we convert all the Canon RAW files to DNG also.
      I’d like to take this opportunity to say how much I like your blog (and photos). I don’t get a chance to comment as often as I would like to but I do follow it regularly.

      1. Jane Lurie

        Hi- Thank you– that is really helpful. (sorry, I only know you as 2clicks..) I need to learn more about DNG – sounds very useful. You are very kind about my blog which I appreciate and I do love what you’re doing on yours. Happy shooting!

  2. smackedpentax

    Sound very much like myself – started in 1960’s, only gone to digital about 4 years ago, Lightroom and some Photoshops….don’t use Nikon now though (but did have a few slr’s in 80’s)…

    1. oneowner Post author

      We have a lot in common. I resisted going digital as long as I could but I’m glad that I made the change. Still have a working darkroom, though.

  3. Chas Spain

    Hi Ken? Everything on this blog is delicious – thanks for posting your images – the top rock and lichen is lovely. Found you via Janina – we’re both Melbourne girls so hope we can meet up and talk her love (photography) and my love (art) soon. Have a great Christmas.

    1. oneowner Post author

      Thanks, chasspain. There must be a wealth of artists in Melbourne as I follow at least 3 others blogging from there, including Janina whose work I find very inspirational. Not to be too self-promoting, but since you are an artist, check out the sister site at http://lightscatter.wordpress.com/ for my more “artistic” endeavors.

      1. Chas Spain

        Dear Ken – Yes Melbourne is a hot bed of blatant creativity (I don’t really include myself here as I am more a fledgling wannabe). Thanks for the link – I am always looking at what others are up to. Thanks so much for being my 399th follower – I think there is an award for that somewhere! but for now I hope you can accept my best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

  4. anna mosca

    Hi Ken, I wanted to thank you for the follow! Please be aware that my blog is a bilingual one. So you may get links to some poems in English as well as to some in Italian… Pictures, on the other hand, have no language barriers 😉
    Keep up the good work.

  5. enmanscamera

    Nice to be in contact. I chanced by your site and was taken in by the exciting and colourfully photographed cars. If you browsed more than my latest post, you’ll have noticed that on my blog I only post and discuss photography. Each week I change the subject.
    I will enjoy spending time wandering through you site and expect to be pleasurably entertained as I get to know you.


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