Author Archives: oneowner


4 26 24

Pigs can get sunburned. I read it on a Snapple bottle cap so it must be true.

Most of these photos were shot on Kodachrome 64 film and scanned on an Epson scanner a while back.

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There Is No Spoon

4 3 24

Cows give more milk when they listen to music. I read it on a Snapple bottle cap so it must be true.

Most of these photos are very old, some almost 50 years old. I tried many photography experiments and I saved some of the results of those experiments. Some were successful and some were not but I learned from each and tried to apply that knowledge through the years. If there is one thing I learned it’s that you should never give up on an idea. Though not all of these photos are successful, I learned from all of them, whether it’s composition, technique or a process.

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seeing red 99

3 21 24

Ketchup was once sold as a medicine. I read it on a Snapple bottle cap so it must be true.

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This is a continuation of the minimal color series, which was on my Winter Projects list.

seeing red 97

3 1 24

The spotted skunk does a handstand to warn off its enemies before it sprays its stench. I read it on a Snapple bottle cap so it must be true.

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all shot on 2023 06 30