dock(s) of the bay

# 4349

# 4349

That would be Braddock Bay in Greece, NY.  The Marina has 3 public docks for boaters at the park and when the ice melts (this was taken 2 weeks ago) it will be filled with boats of all kinds.  I don’t think this would be a very interesting shot without the ice as the dock would blend into the water too much.

# 4409

# 4409


# 4417

# 4417


28 thoughts on “dock(s) of the bay

    1. oneowner Post author

      Thanks, Andy. I use the brush tool in Lightroom to decrease clarity and sharpness (sometimes saturation) to smooth out hard edges. It’s very controllable.

  1. ArtiZenImages

    The 2nd shot is my fav. Can I ask, What lenses are you using with the D600 that seems to work well?

    1. oneowner Post author

      Thanks, Maureen. I have 3 lenses that I use for the most part. The Sigma 28-105mm f2.8 is on the camera for about 60% of the shots, a Tamron 105mm Macro for about 30% of the shots and a 70-300 Nikor for the rest. I haven’t bought a lens in over 10 years but these work so well it’s hard to justify new glass. I would like a wider angle someday but with panorama stitching being so easy I don’t see that happening in the near future, either. I had all these lenses on my old 35mm.

    1. oneowner Post author

      Thanks, John. It’s all LR4 except for the black and white. I recently got a (free) copy of Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 (thank you Google) and used that for the conversion. About a year ago I purchased HDR Efix Pro 2 from Nik for $49 (a substantial savings) and, based on that one purchase, I was able to download the entire suite of Nik’s software free, compliments of Google after they purchased Nik. The suite is now selling for $149 but that was the price of Silver Efix alone a few months ago.

    1. oneowner Post author

      Thanks, Charles. Yes, these are each from single files. Though I usually shoot a set of brackets for each, I seldom use all three files. i have my meter set to -.3 fstop and that exposure is full of detail on these cloudy, overcast days. I usually only use the 3 exposure set when the light is harsher and details can either be blocked or blown out in just one exposure.

  2. Howard Grill

    Really intriguing shots. I personally am drawn to #4349 because of the way it leads you into the picture. Processing is fantastic….lots of detail and texture. Great clouds!

  3. ehpem

    Terrific shots Ken. I especially like the first one. Those white posts are a surprisingly important part of the composition as they really emphasize the edges of the dock. Thanks for the information on processing. I was wondering if the top image might be HDR because of the quality of sky and ice. All the pictures are rickety and temporary seeming, or the dock is anyway. Something ephemeral about the feeling of these shots.

    1. oneowner Post author

      Thanks, ehpem. There was a lot of recent work on the docks and they are extremely popular during the summer months. I walked out on one and it seemed well reinforced but even pressure treated wood can’t stand up to the elements forever.

      1. ehpem

        It seems so flimsy – I am used to the coastal ones that have to deal with a big tidal range (12 to 24 feet in different parts of this coast) every day, and winter storms that really thrash at them. It would look very out of place here. Too bad because I really like it.

      2. oneowner Post author

        Thanks, ehpem. These docks are on a small bay not far from where I live. The bay is protected on three sides and open to Lake Ontario and the rough Lake waters are calmed near the marina. The bays are perfect for boaters and fishermen and are very popular. A lot of my neighbors have boats but I do not.

  4. Pingback: This Incredible Collection of Photography Links Will Put a Smile on Your Face

      1. db walton

        It’s all about timing isn’t it? Whether it be some docks on the lake, or a smile on someone’s face. That’s what I love about the art of photography. Just wait 2 seconds, and things change.

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