Daily Archives: September 8, 2014

indecision – corny as Kansas in August…



We all make lots of decisions everyday – about what we eat, watch, listen to, what to read, where to go, what to buy.  Some of these are pretty easy stuff to navigate through each day and some require some thought on our part.  In photography, sometimes the decisions are decided for us but some need a more thoughtful process to reach the full potential.  I liked this corn in a field (in August, no less) and shot several files in a horizontal format.  When I was reviewing the shots in camera I thought I had not shown that these plants can be very tall (over 7 feet at this point).  So I shot some verticals and processed them both.  Now, days later, I’m still not sure which format I like better.  I guess that’s an advantage photographers have over other artists – they can have it both ways.